Crash Course - From ideas to action


Подробная информация

Дата: 24 Сентября 2017, 10:00 Воскресение
Цена: Вход свободный
Место:iHUB Chisinau


From Ideas to Action is a full day design thinking crash course, that will show you how to generate creative ideas and bring those ideas to life so that others can experience your vision of the future.

Course Details:
In this course you will learn and practice three skills for moving from ideas to action:

  • The Art of Ideating: Go beyond brainstorming – learn techniques for coming up with innovative ideas.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Make your ideas tangible so you can gather feedback from others.
  • Iterating Your Way Forward: Get results faster by evolving your idea to be more desirable, feasible, and viable.

Please make sure to register to be able to attend the workshop here

Trainer description:
Traian Chivriga, a professional DO-er. an entrepreneur, event organizer and a community builder.
Traian is also a Partnership Manager at iHUB Chisinau and founder of the first Art Startup in Moldova and Romania.

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