Film and English Discussion Club: Peaceful Warrior



Data: 10 Ianuarie 2017, 18:00 - 20:00
Preț: Intrare liberă


Film and English Discussion Club with Tony at ALC Buiucani.

Would you like to improve your English? Do you like to watch movies in English? Do you like to discuss them with our friends from the U.S?

Come this Tuesday, January 10th, at 6:00 p.m. to watch a 2006 drama film in original, with English subtitles.

Short description: One day, Dan drives recklessly, and his motorcycle collides with a car that ran a red light, causing his right femur bone to shatter. He is rushed to a hospital, where a metal bar is placed in his leg to maintain its integrity.

As a result, his gymnastic coach believes that Dan cannot compete in the National competition. Dan, hurt by this lack of faith, recovers from the injury and resumes his training under Socrates' tutelage.

Eventually, he is restored to full health and strength, while his coordination improves and his mind is set entirely on the present moment. He competes in the U.S. Trials for the Olympics and achieves a victory.

Right after, we are going to discuss it with Tony, our friend from California! Bring your friends with you, it is going to be fun!

Our address is: 16/2 Ion Creanga Str.

For more details please call us at 022 24 23 33 37 or 067 120 101


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