La Boheme


  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme
  • La Boheme


Date: 12 September 2024, 18:00 Thursday
Price: 150 - 500 mdl
Phone info: 022 24 51 04
Past events
  • 11 April 2024, 18:00 Thursday
  • 5 November 2023, 17:00 Sunday
  • 21 May 2023, 17:00 Sunday


Conductor: David Crescenzi, Italy-Romania

Original name: La Boheme
Libretto: Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa
After story de la Vie de Boheme by H.Murger

Stage Director: Rodica Picireanu, Master of Arts
Set Designer: Iurie Matei, Peoples Artist
Costume designer: Anastasia Spataru

Music director: Nicolae Dohotaru, Peoples Artist

Chief Choirmaster: Oleg Constantinov, Master of Arts


World Premiere: 1 february, 1896, at Regio Theatre, Torino.
Premiere in Chisinau: 11 october, 1977, at the Moldova State Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Location on map


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