"Recent acquisitions and donations" Exhibition



Date: 25 February - 22 March 2010
Phone info: (022) 24-17-30


The National Art Musem of Moldova invites you to visit the Exhibition of Contemporary Art Recent Acquisitions and Donations between the 25th of February and the 22nd of March. The exhibition’s intention is to present works that reflect new artistic tendencies in our area. Among the selected works visitors will find: paintings, graphics, sculpture and decorative art mostly belonging to the last decades of the XXth century and beginning of the XXIst century. Visitors can admire works by Mihai Grecu, Dimitrie Peicev, Mihai T?rus, Liviu Hincu, Evdochia Zavtur, George Angel, Constantin Flondor, Ilie Boca, Madlen Danu Zarnescu. Some of the works have participated and won prizes in various competitions. The essence of the exhibition is its openness towards new, alternative forms of plastical expression.

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