"The Tale Of Tsar Saltan" Performance



Date: 3 March 2013, 11:00 Sunday
Phone info: (022) 22-33-62
Past events
  • 9 December 2012, 11:00 Sunday
  • 4 November 2012, 11:00 Sunday
  • 14 March 2010, 11:00 Sunday


Language: russian
About  performance:
The story is of three sisters, of whom the youngest is chosen by Tsar Saltan to be his wife, while he makes the other two his royal cook and royal weaver. They are jealous, and when the tsaritsa gives birth to a son, Prince Gvidon, they arrange to have her and her child ordered to be shut up in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The sea itself takes pity on them, and they are cast up on the shore of a remote island. The son, having quickly grown while in the barrel, goes hunting. However, he ends up saving an enchanted swan from a kite. The swan creates a city for Prince Gvidon to rule, but he is homesick and wants revenge…

Location on map


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