The DJ is Your Bitch



Date: 26 April 2013, 22:00 Friday
Price: 20 Lei
Phone info: (022) 22-15-89


Do you know this situation at a party when you go to the DJ and want to hear your favourite song and he is just like "ah, no, sorry, I don't have this song with me" or "no way, I am surely NOT playing such a bullshit song in my set now"?!

If this sounds familiar to you, we have just the right party coming up for you: "The DJ is Your Bitch" on Friday, April 26 @ Spalatorie! We have booked Chisinau's Nr. 1 Expat DJ - Dawee from SWS - and he will professionally mix the songs YOU want to hear, combined with his personal sets you know from parties such as Chisinau Urban Beatz!

How does this work? All you have to do is send your favourite song(s) (up to three) as mp3-files to dawee[at] [Subject: "The DJ is my bitch"] prior to the party and Dawee will (re)mix these songs during the night - 100% guaranteed, whatever music you send! At the same time, you will be identified while the song is being played so watch out what you choose.

Location on map


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