Fromage Cheese & Natural Sulfite-Free Wine Party at Horodiste



Date: 8 June 2024, 11:00 Saturday
Price: 600 mdl
Phone info: +37360828103
Place: Horodiște Village


Join us on Saturday, June 8th for a delightful culinary experience at the Fromage Cheese & Natural Sulfite-Free Wine Party. We will gather in Chisinau at 11 AM and provide transportation to and from the beautiful Horodiște Village.
Enjoy a selection of famous cheeses by French Master Thierry Ernst, paired with all-you-can-drink natural sulfite-free wines from EcoWine of Moldova. Savor the finest local produce in a scenic setting, with all food and drinks proudly made in Moldova.
Date: Saturday, June 8th
Time: 11 AM (departure from Chisinau)
Location: Horodiște Village
Price: 600 lei (includes cheese, all-you-can-drink wine, and transportation)
Reserve your spot today, limited spots are available!
For reservations call Vladimir: +37360828103


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