Open Lecture: Randomness in videogames



Date: 19 June 2023, 19:00 Monday
Price: Free admission - Registration


What psychological tricks do game developers use to keep users "hooked" for hours? What influence does behavioral psychology have in game development?
We invite you to discuss dopamine, theories, great and awful games and other psychological secrets with psychologist Dmitrii Iachim, during the open lecture at Mediacor - "Randomness in videogames. The good, the bad and the ugly" - June 19, at 4:00 PM.
Dmitrii holds a master's degree in counseling psychology and is a graduate of an 8-year program in Gestalt therapy in Ukraine. He has over 10 years of experience in counseling and individual and group therapy in Moldova and Ukraine. In addition to therapy and counseling, his areas of interest include human motivation, sport psychology, video game psychology, neuroscience, and sociology.
If you are a game designer, developer, student, or freelancer interested in game development or simply a person passionate about psychology (or games), join us to learn more. Participation is free. This topic is flaming hot, please book your seat in the hall by registering here:
Here are some of the topics we will discuss:
- What does dopamine have to do with our gaming experience, and how can even basic neurobiological knowledge improve gaming?
- How dopamine is used in some of the worst and best gaming practices
- What knowledge of psychology and neurobiology helps developers create the most successful games
This lecture is a combination of answers to these questions and is based on both theory and practice.
See you on June 19, at 4:00 PM.
This event is organized by Mediacor, with the support of the Future Technologies Project, funded by USAID Moldova, Sweden and Great Britain.

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